2023 Purcell國際青少年鋼琴大賽 (澳門分區賽) - 報名表

Purcell International Competition for Young Pianists 2023 (Macau Division) - Application Form

填妥表格前,請先按此細閱比賽章程,並已準備有關付款証明之檔案(包括銀行轉帳收條/ mPAY 付款截圖等)。如大會未能辨識及使用有關資料,則該次提交為作廢。

Please read the Rules and Regulations before filling the form, and prepare the payment proof (e.g., bank transaction receipt/ MPAY screenshot). If the competition fails to identify and use the relevant information, the submission will be invalid.


This is for individual applications only.