Dr. David Ball
David Ball 生於匈牙利布達佩斯的鋼琴家,亦是布達佩斯李斯特音樂學院(Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music) 的資深教授。
曾於世界 30 多個國家 70 多個城市,以鋼琴演奏家身份於著名樂廳演出。當中包括英國倫敦皇家阿爾伯特樂廳 (Royal Albert Hall)、美國紐約卡立基樂廳 (Carnegie Hall) 、林肯中心 (Lincoln Center) 和奥地利維也納金色大廳(Musikverein)。 近年更大獲不同的匈牙利主要交響樂團中擔任客席鋼琴演奏家,其中包括由著名指揮家伊萬· 爾 (Iván Fischer) 帶領的布達佩斯節日管弦樂團 (Budapest Festival Orchestra)。以及曾多次與已故著名指揮家佐爾坦·科奇什 (Zoltán Kocsis) 帶的匈牙利國家交響樂團 (Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra) 成功演出。當中於 2015 年 9 月的季節揭幕音樂會演出阿蔔諾爾德·勳伯格(Arnold Schönberg) 的鋼琴協奏曲更為注目 。
2006 年於斯特音樂學院 (Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music) 畢業後,一直擔任鋼琴演奏及鋼琴教席。更於 2011 年 取得人文學博士學位 (Doctor of Liberal Arts (DLA)) 格。David Ball先後曾於匈牙利瓦 (Vác) Béla Bartók Music School,匈牙利德布勒森大學 (University of Debrecen) 和匈牙利尼賴吉哈佐大學(University of Nyíregyháza) 任教。在過去 14 年當中, David Ball曾教授來自廣泛背景和程度的學生, 除了演奏和教學之外,亦曾經於多份著名的匈牙利學術期刊中多次發佈有關教學法和研究演繹方法的文章。
匈牙利決賽評審 László Borbély
László Borbély Junior Prima and Artisjus Prize awarded concert pianist and senior lecturer of the prestigious Ferenc Liszt Academy in Budapest.
He has won several awards at international competitions (among others 2 nd Prize at the Liszt-Bartók International Piano Competition in Budapest and 2 nd Prize at the Los Angeles International Liszt Piano Competition). He is a regular participant of solo and chamber concerts all over the World. He has performed concerts in most of countries of Europe, the United States and Asia as well.
He has released eight solo albums (Liszt: Songs of sorrow and consolations, Bach& Goldberg-variations and The Art of Fugue, Olivier Messiaen's Catalogue of Birds, etc.) and two morerecordings with Szabolcs Szilágyi flutist under the label of Hunnia Records. Most currently he isworking on the integral recording of the three Bartók piano concerti, the 1 st concerto were released this summer.
He took master classes in Geneva (Switzerland), Würzburg (Germany), Tbilisi (Georgia), Ankara(Turkey) and Seoul (South-Korea)
匈牙利決賽評審 Dr. Asztalos
Bence ASZTALOS,DLA 在布達佩斯的李斯特學院學習小提琴和歌唱,並在堪 薩斯州的維也納繼續他的教育。 Robert Holl 的 Lied-class。自1994年以來, 他一直在布達佩斯節日管弦樂團演奏, 與 Iván Fischer 和 George Solti 爵士 等指揮合作。他的歌唱生涯使他與萊茵河畔德意志歌劇院和匈牙利國家歌劇院建立了密切的關係,在那裡他演唱了唐· 費爾南多/費德里奧、阿里奧達特斯/薛西斯、巴托洛/費加羅等。 2010年,他被 任命為匈牙利國立大學副教授Szeged “Juhász Gyula”教育學院音樂教育系, 2017年起在“Eötvös Loránd”大學 (ELTE) 布達佩斯小學和學前教育學院音 樂系。自2019年起,他在埃格爾埃斯特 哈齊卡羅伊大學擔任副教授,並於2021 年被任命為埃格爾埃斯特哈齊卡羅伊天 主教大學音樂學院院長。
匈牙利決賽評審 Dr. Ádám
13歲時,他被選入布達佩斯李斯特音樂學院青年拔尖班,師從埃斯特·佩雷尼教授。 2009年10月,他在李斯特音樂學院大禮堂舉行了畢業音樂會,並於2010年6月獲得了畢業證書。他贏得了許多國內和國際比賽,包括1998年兩次匈牙利國家小提琴比賽一等獎、2001年Ferenc Halász獎、Ede Zathureczky國家小提琴比賽一等獎和大獎。2003年獲得卡爾·弗萊施國際小提琴比賽絕對一等獎。2004年獲得Pro Europe獎。2006年莫斯科揚波爾斯基國際小提琴比賽獲得二等獎和評審團特別獎。
他曾獲得Dénes Legány 比賽和布達佩斯Szigeti-Hubay 國際小提琴比賽一等獎,並於2007 年獲得Hubay 特別獎。2007年,他榮獲兩個國家重大獎項:Junior Primissima和Artisjus獎,並於2009年獲得匈牙利政府頒發的傑出青年人才獎——Youth of March Award。2011年,他榮獲ECHO新星大獎,這使他有機會在2012/13樂季出現在歐洲最負盛名的音樂廳。 2012年,他榮獲匈牙利銅十字勳章。
2012年起在李斯特音樂學院任教,並受邀在多地教授大師班。 2018年獲得李斯特音樂學院博士學位。迄今為止,他已在歐洲各地以及美國、加拿大、阿拉伯聯合大公國、中國、韓國、越南、新加坡和日本舉辦音樂會,與許多著名藝術家合作,包括佐爾坦·科奇斯、安德拉斯·希夫、米克洛斯·佩雷尼、平夏斯·斯坦伯格和彼得·弗蘭克爾。
匈牙利決賽評審 Dr.Veronika Oross
Veronika Oross曾於李斯特費倫茨音樂學院 – 傑出青年人才學校跟隨Erika Sebők教授學習,之後於李斯特費倫茨音樂學院學跟隨Erika Sebők、Lóránt Kovács、János Bálint教授學習。2010年在李斯特費倫茨音樂學院完成博士學位。
她曾與管弦樂團、廣播電台和 CD 錄音合作的獨奏音樂會有:伊凡馬達拉斯:FLA(傑爾愛樂樂團)J.S.巴赫:B小調組曲(傑爾愛樂樂團)、W.A.莫札特:C大調長笛、豎琴與管弦樂協奏曲(MÁV交響樂團)、伊伯特:長笛協奏曲(MÁV 交響樂團)、J. S. 巴赫:勃蘭登堡協奏曲第 4、5 和 2 號(弗朗茨·李斯特室內樂團)、卡爾雷內克:D大調長笛協奏曲(MÁV交響樂團)、Hungaroton Record (2010):Georg Benda & Franz Benda:長笛奏鳴曲等。此外,自 1995 年起,擔任MÁV 交響樂團長笛獨奏。
匈牙利決賽評審 Kinga Várallyay
Kinga Várallyay was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1996. She started her piano studies at the
age of seven under the guidance of Róbert Várallyay. Between 2011 and 2015 she attended the
Béla Bartók Music Conservatory where her teachers were Erzsébet Belák and Zoltán Fejérvári.
In 2015 she entered the Franz Liszt Academy of Music and became the pupil of András
Kemenes. She recieved her master diplom with the highest honors in 2020. During her Master
studies she also attended the classes of Claudio Martinez Mehner, Anton Kernjak and Filippo
Gamba in the Musik Academy of Basel. She spent the last year of her studies as an Erasmus
student in the Mozarteum, Salzburg where her professors were Imre Rohmann and Tünde
She participated many times successfully on national and international competitions as
well as music festivals. She recieved first prize at the Hungarian National Piano Competition
held in Békéscsaba in 2015 and special awards at the International Chopin Competition in
Szafarnia, Poland. In 2019 she received third prize on the Béla Bartók International Piano
Competition organized in Graz. She won the International Virtuoso & Belcanto Competition in
2021 in Lucca and had the opportunity to perform as a soloist with the Orchestra della Toscana.
She was a special prize winner at the Zoltán Kocsis Award in 2022. The same year she
performed the Schumann a-minor concerto with the Miskolc Symphonic Orchestra and
Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue with the Győr Philharmonic Orchestra. She played solo and
chamber music concerts apart from Hungary in Austria, in the Czech Republic, in Poland, in
Italy and in Switzerland. She also had the opportunity to play on the courses of Tamás Vásáry,
Zoltán Kocsis, Gábor Takács-Nagy, Malcolm Bilson, David Fray, Boris Berman, Ferenc Rados,
Markus Schirmer and Lilya Zilbernstein.
Kinga is currently a doctoral student of the Franz Liszt Music Academy and a piano
teacher of the King St Stephen Music High School.
Famous Hong Kong Pianist Performer. Master of Music, Julliard School of Music.
Now professor at the HK Academy of Performing Arts and HK Chinese University, she is also a host at the RTHK Radio 4 Channel.
Chairman of Jury Panel
Norman Lee
李先生移居加拿大後從師於 Ronald Turini 並獲加拿大西安大略大學授音樂碩士學位。
Born in Hong Kong, Norman graduated from The Peabody Conservatory of Music with a Bachelor of music, studied with Professor Robert Weirich and Walter hautzig.
Norman furthered his repertoire by studying with Irina Zaritzkaya in London England, Anatoly Verdernikov in U.S.S.R. and Tatiana Nikoleava in Mozertum, Salzburg. Jerome Lowenthal at the Music Academy of the West.
Mr. Lee received his Master degree of Music from The University of Western Ontario working under Professor Ronald Turini. Norman had conducted master classes and lectures in Universities and Conservatories across Hong Kong, China and Canada on the topic of piano injuries and movement retraining. Mr. Lee is a regular columnist in the leading piano magazine “Piano Artistry” in China.
As a recitalist , Mr. Lee‘s perform regularly in The United States, England, Italy, China ,and Hong Kong .And had collaborated with varies chamber music Ensembles and Orchestras. On the contemporary music front, Norman was the pianist for the premier of Eli Marshall’s work with the Macao Orchestra on for piano, voice and orchestra in 2005.
Norman is a dedicated piano teacher and music educator besides his various performing activities. Mr. Lee adjudicated on many Piano Competitions throughout Asia. Mr. Lee currently is on the piano faculty of The Hong Kong Baptist University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Jacqueline Leung
梁維芝生於香港,在英美深造多年,表演足跡遍及世界各地,被譽爲集 「音樂才華、過人智慧、超凡技藝」 於一身的鋼琴家。2015年夏季獲葡萄牙國家古典音樂電台頒發Antena 2演奏大獎後獲邀回葡國做全國電台獨奏直播。在香港, 她亦是香港電台和電視藝術節目的常客。
她曾與多位頂尖音樂家如世界知名長笛家Robert Aitken 及 Jasmine Choi,大提琴家李垂誼Trey Lee,英國歌唱家 Iestyn Davies合作, 室樂經驗非常豐富。
梁氏自幼就讀香港演藝學院, 跟隨湯翠芬和黃懿倫教授, 及後赴英國就讀音樂學校Wells Cathedral School。畢業後考取獎學金於英國皇家音樂學院於卓一龍教授指導下取得鋼琴演奏學士及鋼琴教學文憑,及後到跟隨美國著名Tamas Ungar 教授深造考獲鋼琴碩士。梁維芝曾出任英國皇家音樂學院香港校友會主席多年。2015年獲英國皇家音樂學院頒發ARAM院士, 以表揚她在音樂界的成就和貢獻。
梁氏在2017年夏季赴維也納灌錄個人專輯 In Sunshine or in Shadow,現任香港聖三一中心音樂顧問,及北京師範大學-香港浸會大學-國際聯合書院音樂系高級講師。
Hong Kong born pianist Jacqueline Leung is a laureate of the Antena 2 prize, awarded by the national classical music radio station in Portugal which culminated in a live solo recital broadcast on national radio. Described as a player who possesses ‘musicality, intelligence and technical finesse’, she has performed in festivals and concerts all over the world and worked with many distinguished musicians such as Robert Aitken, Trey Lee, Iestyn Davies and Jasmine Choi.
Jacqueline studied in the HKAPA junior programme with Ms Chuifun Poon and Professor Eleanor Wong. In her secondary school years she furthered her studies at Wells Cathedral School, one of the four specialist music schools in England with Ms Hilary Coates. Upon graduation she trained as a scholar at the Royal Academy of Music in London, obtaining the LRAM piano teaching diploma and BMus degree. She completed her Masters degree with Dr. Tamas Ungar, one of the best known pedagogues in the USA at Texas Christian University.
Jacqueline served as the chairperson of the Royal Academy of Music HK Alumni Association for many years and in 2013, she was elected as an Associate of the Royal Academy of Music (ARAM), in recognition of her significant contribution in the musical field. She released her debut solo album ‘In Sunshine or in shaow’ with the Vienna based Hello Stage label in 2017 and since 2018, she has been appointed as official consultant for Trinity Hong Kong Music Centre. She currently teaches chamber music and piano at United International College in Zhuhai, China as Senior Lecturer of Music.
Brian Choi
Born in Hong Kong, Violinist Brian Kwan Yeung Choi is a recent graduate of Donald Weilerstein’s studio at the New England Conservatory in Boston, where he completed his Master’s degree. Choi has won numerous prizes, including the first prizes in the New York International Artists Association (NYIAA), the Hudson Valley Philharmonic String Competition in 2017. Choi is also a winner of the 2018 Young Artist Audition of Musicus Society and made his Musicus Fest debut in the same year.
Choi has been active in the concert circuit in recent years. He is a frequent participant at the Kniesel Hall Chamber Music Festival in Maine. In 2017, he was invited to give a recital in Paesaggi Musicali Toscani with the legendary pianist Bruno Canino and made his debut recital in Carnegie Hall as the winner of the NYIAA in September. Choi has also been featured in the Sibelius Violin Concerto with the Hudson Valley Philharmonic. His recent performance as a soloist with the Xiamen Philharmonic Orchestra in October was met with enthusiastic acclaim.
Choi has extensive chamber music experience, studying with renowned artists including Joel Krosnick, Laurie Smukler, Merry Peckham, Paul Biss, Katherine Murdock, Mai Motobuchi, Yeesun Kim, Natasha Brofsky and Vivian Weilerstein. He has also performed in master classes including members of the Emerson String Quartet, American String Quartet, Pacifica String Quartet, Parker String Quartet, Symanowski String Quartet, and Penderecki String Quartet.
KaLap Wong
黃氏是亞洲其中一個最高水平的大提琴家。他經常被香港管弦樂團、香港小交響樂團、馬來西亞交響樂團邀請。他同時是新派室內樂團「時。刻室樂」的創辦人及藝術總監。到現時為止,時。刻室樂已被香港藝術節、汕頭鋼琴博物館、香港法國藝術節、香港藝術博物館、香港西九文化區、Piano Island Festival邀請演出。他同時也是英國萊深達四重奏的常規成員。除了豐富的專業樂團及室內樂經驗外, 他也不時作為獨奏家演出。黃氏於十歲開始樂習大提琴,隨後的幾年也獲獎無數。可惜他隨後因為傷患停止了學習, 還讀了建築學。不過此舉卻令他覺得香港需要一些與別不同的藝術家,因此到了倫敦市政廳音樂學院跟隨史提反 ‧ 普波夫(Rostropovich第一位徒弟)—深造。黃氏於歐洲留學時亦得到了不同音樂家的認同 -「大天賦」- 大提琴家彼爾連「精彩的大提琴家」- 薩爾斯頓「什麼也可以拉到的大提琴家」- 普波夫, 包力卓「極致的」- 洛夫史坦。
黃蔚然 Vanessa Wong
A Hong Kong-born pianist, Vanessa Wong obtained her Bachelor of Music Degree with First Class Honours from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, and was awarded a full scholarship to pursue her Master’s Degree at the Peabody Conservatory of Johns Hopkins University in the USA. Later on, she undertook the Artist Diploma Program from the Yale School of Music. Her principle teachers include Gabriel Kwok, Boris Slutsky, Boris Berman and Yang Wei-yi.
Wong has won various international awards including the First Prize of the Southern Highlands International Piano Competition in Australia, Second Prize of the 17th Hilton Head International Piano Competition in the USA, and the Gold Medal in the 7th International Competition for Young Pianists in Memory of Vladimir Horowitz in Ukraine.
A Young Steinway Artist, Wong has given recitals at the 39th Hong Kong Arts Festival and Newport International Festival, and in renowned venues such as the Concertgebouw of Amsterdam, Salle Cortot in Paris and Carnegie Hall in New York. She has also collaborated with the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Yale Philharmonia, National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine, New Haifa Symphony Orchestra in Israel etc. She was awarded a Certificate of Commendation by the Hong Kong Government in recognition of her outstanding achievements in promoting arts and culture on an international level.
KJ黃家正的音樂事業涉獵廣泛,除了作頻密的個人演出以外,更擔任Music Lab每年舉辦的「本地薑音樂節」藝術總監,策劃連串新穎跳脫的演出節目。他亦組織多個海外巡演,筆耕不輟為媒體供稿,並主持個人音樂節目。透過音樂連結群眾,是家正抱持至今的信念,亦是他持續為觀眾帶來驚喜想法與計劃的原動力。
2009年,家正的音樂才華在金馬獎得獎紀錄片《音樂人生》的鏡頭下嶄露頭角。得益於羅乃新及郭嘉特兩位良師的鋼琴訓練,家正其後負笈美國印地安那大學,師從Emile Naoumoff教授四年,並於各大型音樂節中亮相,包括德州鋼琴音樂節及韋比爾音樂學院音樂節,亦曾得到多位大師指導,包括Menahem Pressler、 Yoheved Kaplinsky、Claude Frank、John O’Conor等。此外,家正以最年輕紀錄兩次勝出美國印地安那大學協奏曲比賽,並躋身多個大型音樂比賽,包括美國Gina Bachauer國際鋼琴大賽、西班牙Ferrol國際鋼琴比賽、香港國際鋼琴公開賽等。他亦於美國洛杉磯國際鋼琴大賽獲特別獎嘉許,於紐約青年演奏藝術家遴選躋身最後階段。2018年,他在阿拉斯加E國際鋼琴比賽中獲選為總冠軍及最佳室內樂演出。
Music Lab是家正推動的創意協作平台,亦是實現各種主流以外的想法,打破音樂會既定形式的試驗場。過去幾年,他主辦了多場獨奏音樂會,探索不同主題,例如《人生如戲》、《死亡奏鳴》、《指魔俠-火拼時速》、《指魔俠-神唔神?》;室樂會《陰霾中的自由》、《琴戀克拉拉》、《好法國》。2017年,家正與色士風手孫穎麟、世界冠軍口琴手何卓彥組成三重奏組合,呈獻演出《SMASH》。Music Lab作為本地創意力量,積極推動自家音樂節,擁抱創意無限的藝術家,並推動香港發展本地文化人才。隨着「本地薑音樂節」邁向第三屆,Music Lab與家正將繼續發展原創節目,並進軍巡演臺灣、澳門、馬來西亞及中國的多個城市。
曾就讀於上海音樂學院附中鋼琴專業,師從周帆老師,在恩師的悉心培養下,2011榮獲全國校園藝術節上海賽區鋼琴組第一名,畢業後受到Beatrice Berthold、Bernhard Epstein、Ilja Scheps、Elena Lapitskaja、Markus Tomas等諸多德奧派以及俄派鋼琴大師不同風格的藝術熏陶和悉心指導,2013被德累斯頓音樂學院以第一名的成績破格錄取,跟隨德國鋼琴家、室內樂演奏家Detlef Kaiser 教授,學習期間獲得Ad Infinitum Foundation Luebeck獎學金,以優異的成績先後取得鋼琴演奏學士和碩士學位。2014年入選莫斯科柴柯夫斯基音樂學院鋼琴大師Yuri Didenko教授的大師班並參與閉幕音樂會的壓軸演出,多次在德國舉辦音樂沙龍系列獨奏音樂會和室內樂音樂會,除此之外也常在器樂、聲樂演出中擔任藝術指導,受邀擔任鋼琴比賽的評委。2016年在黃山成功舉辦個人獨奏音樂會,澳門任教期間參演澳門優秀青年鋼琴教師音樂會,2017年受到國際鋼琴大賽主辦方的邀請,在美國紐約卡內基音樂廳演出。鋼琴大師Gottfried Rüll曾評價:她是一位出色的鋼琴演奏家,憑借其精湛的技巧和穩定的風格,能夠以不同的方式充分詮釋各種風格和結構的作品。
Roderick Yu
余氏於香港浸會大學音樂系畢業後,以優異成績於倫敦市政廳音樂學院修畢鋼琴伴奏碩士,師承多位音樂大師,Caroline Palmer、李廷強、Graham Johnson、Julius Drake、Elly Ameling、Gordon Back。余氏亦是2013年Socitiabank獎學金得獎者並於同年擔任多倫多夏季音樂節的學院鋼琴家。
Roderick Yu is pianist who takes up different roles in orchestral, opera, chamber music and vocal piano accompanying.
As an active pianist, he was invited to perform with the Collegium Musicum Hong Kong, Guildhall New Music Ensemble, Hong Kong New Music Ensemble and HKBDA Wind Orchestra. He has also performed in international music festivals in the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Canada, Austria and Hong Kong. His performance included Cecilia Heejeong Kim’s My Arirang, How Much I am Missing You (2013), Joyce Tang’s Reflections on Arirang (2013), Nigel Clarke’s The Flavour of Tears (2013), Luis Serrano Alarcón’sThree Sketches (2014) and Brett Dean’s Wolf-Lieder (2006) that has been broadcasted in the BBC Radio 3 in London.
Roderick completed his Master’s Degree with Distinction with the support of Leverhulme Trust at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama and Bachelor’s Degree at the Hong Kong Baptist University, studied under Caroline Palmer, Graham Johnson, Gordon Back, Pamela Lidiard and Norman Lee. He has received the Scotiabank scholarship to be the Art of Song Fellow during the 2013 Toronto Summer Music Festival, where he received intensive coaching from Elly Ameling, Julius Drake and Michael McMahon. Roderick was trained as a lieder coach by Konrad Jarnot and Christoph Bernerduring the 2014 Internationale Sommerakademie in Universität Mozarteum Salzburg.
Ruda Lee
Internationally acclaimed violinist Ruda Lee made her concerto debut at the age of 6 where she was the youngest winner of the World Symphony Orchestra Competition. Born in Seoul, South Korea, her stage career started with great success of receiving the top prizes in Korean Chamber Ensemble Competition, Music Journal Competition, Strad Magazine Award, Music Education Newspaper Competition amongst others. Ruda’s first composition won the Seoul President’s Award when she was 12.
Having won the first prize of the American Protégé International Competition, she made her winner recital at Carnegie Hall Weill hall in 2014. Ruda has performed at prestigious concert venues, including the J.F.Kennedy Center Honors Gala 2015 in Washington D.C. where she performed with Yo Yo Ma and Pamela Frank having President Obama as an audience which was nationally televised in the United States.
As a co-concertmaster of Yale Philharmonia New York concert, Ruda has performed with Maestro John Adams at the Lincoln Center’s Avery Fisher Hall. She has performed under the baton of Valery Gergiev, Krzysztof Penderecki, Peter Oundjian, Andris Nelsons, and worked with respected violinists such as Kyung- Wha Chung, Joseph Silverstein, Shmuel Ashkenasi, Igor Ozim, Syoko Aki, Cho-Liang Lin, among others.
Ruda has regularly received the invitations from many internationally-acclaimed music festivals in America, Europe, Canada, Russia and Asia.
While holding double degrees in MM and MMA at Yale University, awarded a full scholarship from the School of Music, she was a Teaching Artist at Yale Music in Schools Initiative. Currently based in Hong Kong, where she plays with the Yale Chamber Music Society as well as a guest concertmaster in Hong Kong Orchestra among many different music projects.
何欣欣 Cindy Ho
何欣欣出生於香港,早年先後師承香港著名鋼琴家李輝及蔡崇力先生。她先後畢業於英國倫敦大學英皇學院及英國皇家音樂學院完成學士、碩士及演奏家文憑課程,期間跟隨著名鋼琴家 Aaron Shorr 及Ruth Nye學藝。其中修讀碩士課是得李察史達理教育信託獎學金的資助。此外,她更參與法國著名鋼琴家 Georges Pludermacher、Pascal Deveyon 及 Dominique Merlet 的大師班,進一步深造琴藝。
何欣欣畢業後定居於英國多年,並在意大利、西班牙、挪威及法國等歐洲國家多次參與獨奏演出,更在英國倫敦、曼徹斯特、Malvern、Bath 、Aylesbury、Buckingham、牛津及溫莎等地舉行個人演奏會。
何欣欣旅居英國多年,返港期間,曾多次為香港電台古典鋼琴音樂播放節目錄音,及到中國廣東中山市演奏。二零零五年她獲邀與越南胡志明市芭蕾舞及管弦樂團於胡志明歌劇院合作演出李斯特第二號鋼琴協奏曲。二零零六年底,她參與倫敦聖馬田大教堂主辦的世界鋼琴演奏家系列演奏會。二零零七年五月,她於英國市政廳音樂及戲劇學院 Guildhall School of Music and Drama之院士音樂會系列作室樂演出,同年八月她參與蘇格蘭著名之愛丁堡藝術節,舉行個人演奏會及於牛津及和個倫敦室樂音樂節作演出。最近,她於澳門演藝學院及香港科技大學作獨奏及室樂的演出。
Cecilia Long
Cecilia has won the Ibra International Music Awards in Italy and the London International Music Awards in the United Kingdom. Earlier in the year, she received scholarships from the Macau Cultural Affairs Bureau and the Macau Foundation. She entered the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and studied under Professor Guo Jiate. She majored in piano performance, minor in ancient piano, composition and conductor.Cecilia has performed as a soloist with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, the Macau Orchestra, the Australian SBS Youth Orchestra, the Macau Youth Symphony Orchestra, the Macau Youth Symphony Orchestra and Symphonic Cordiality HK. Also, she held concerts and broadcasts on RTHK Radio 4. Cecilia is a member of the Trinity College of Music in London and a member of the Royal Academy of Music. She is also an associate doctorate at the University of Bristol. Long is passionate about the study of local music and music education. Her main research areas are the development of Macao's local music culture and the training of musical instruments for children with Down syndrome. She has participated in the writing of the "Festival of Music, Traces and District Master Fr”. She is also the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Study of Macao's Local Piano Works hosted by Professor Dai Dingcheng. Long currently teaches at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and Academia de Música S. Pio X in Macau.